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Temporary Team


Temporary team management is the entrusting of controlling an area of one’s own company or part of it to a group of highly qualified and motivated professionals to guarantee continuity to the company organization and improve performance and management skills.


By enhancing existing managerial skills, supporting generational transitions, and resolving critical moments, whether negative (cutbacks, economic and financial reorganization) or positive (new business growth and development).

"Teamwork divides tasks and multiplies the success."

In a time like this, uncertainty is essential not to abandon one's projects but to push on the accelerator to boost growth.

It is necessary to relieve the pressure of internal management and use "temporary team management" to bring solutions and an alternative vision to the team!

WTCO has professionals for:

Large companies

Multinational example where it is always challenging to manage the countless projects in place through the staff directly involved in the daily activities, and the collateral ones let with considerable economic dispersion, growth, and development.

Complex projects such as

- Company layouts and tasking

- Installation of new machinery

- New building constructions or relocation of company headquarters

Company re-launches through

Company reorganization

Sector-specific expertise

WTCO offers the following services:

Interdisciplinary expertise

  • Sales
  • Operation
  • Innovation
  • Engineering
  • HR
  • Administration & Finance
  • Logistics


  • 100% coverage of the required role and for as long as needed

How does WTCOoperate? Through:

Direct intervention in the first person

Taking over the management role

Opening up to corporate positions

WTCO guarantees timely team management capable of responding to any need.

Our staff is highly qualified and immediately available.

Value competence!

Need more information?

Our staff is at your disposal.
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